Country information
Single number
Other numbers
Link to Civil Defence

Country phone code: +353

Country domain: .ie

  • Is é 112 an uimhir ghutháin éigeandála aontaithe i gcóir Aontas na hEorpa.
  • I n-am an ghátair, ba cheart go bhféadfadh saoránaigh na hEorpa glaoch ar an uimhir ghutháin 112 chun teacht ar sheirbhísí éigeandála. Ar an gcuma san níor ghá d'éinne cuimhneamh ach ar aon uimhir amháin chun teacht ar sheirbhís tapaidh éifeachtach.
  • An aidhm atá le SOS 112 Europe ná oiread seirbhísí éigeandála agus is féidir a mhealladh chun a bheith páirteach, d'fhonn is go bhféadfaí eolas mar gheall orthu a roinnt agus a sholáthar don phobal i gcoitinne, go háirithe na seirbhísí ceangailte leis an uimhir éigeandála aontaithe i gcóir na hEorpa 112.
  • Chun a bheith páirteach, cuir do thuairimí, eolas, nó nascanna go dtí
  • Tionscnamh ón Sualainn a ritheann SOS 112 Europe.
  • 112 is the single emergency telephone number for the European Union.
  • European citizens in distress situations should be able to call the phone number 112 and get through to the emergency services. Thus, anyone has to remember only one number to guarante a quicker and more efficient intervention.
  • The purpose of SOS 112 Europe is to attract as many emergency service participants as possible, with the intention to share information and to provide the larger public with information about different emergency services in Europe. Especially the ones connected to the single European emergency call number 112.
  • Please participate by sending your comments, your information and your links to
  • SOS 112 Europe runs by a Swedish initiative.